Thursday, February 12, 2009

FeedFlix: Tells You if Netflix is Worth It

By Christina Conley

If you've ever wanted to know if you're getting the most out of your online DVD rental subscription (and really, who among us has never calculated their usage and done a quick cost-benefit analysis?), FeedFlix might just be the ideal service for you.

FeedFlix is free, and functions by aggregating RSS feeds from the Netflix service to compile usage statistics for you and other FeedFlix users. With it you can see in objective terms how much value you're getting out of Netflix.

Getting started with the FeedFlix service is easy and very fast (I mean one minute fast). After navigating to FeedFlix, you'll see a giant "Connect to Netflix" button. FeedFlix is an independent web site, meaning it is in no way associated with Netflix, but it does use the Netflix programming interface to consume your RSS feed. To authorize this, you'll need to generate a token on the Netflix site (done for you with authorization).

Once you do this, FeedFlix will begin analyzing your usage data. Within a few minutes, your home page should be filled with some interesting numbers. It's probably easiest to watch the video above to see how this looks, but here are a few things you'll find:

* How many movies you rent per month * Average number of days you hold movies * The calculated cost per DVD delivered to your door * Average cost per total rentals (physical plus on demand) * Rentals per week (bar chart) * What percentile your statistics place you in

You'll also find some interesting aggregate information about users of the Netflix service in general. For example, how your usage and return rates compare to others, what the most requested movies are, which movies are stocked in the largest quantities, historical rentals and favorites, and more.

What makes the service so interesting is its singular focus. It will tell you at a glance if you really are making the most of your monthly subscription fee.

Being a long-time, active online DVD rental fan, I have some detailed perspectives on both Blockbuster and Netflix. Check out my Netflix and Blockbuster review if you're thinking about joining one of these services. It is the most comprehensive, objective review available for these two services.

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