Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Save Money Using Broadband Phones

By Ray Lam

A broadband internet phone is a telephone connection using a broadband internet service. This broadband connection can be either cable or DSL and operate at speeds far greater than those of dial-up, are continuously connected to the internet and required to enable proper use of a broadband internet phone.

A DSL broadband connection operates through your telephone line by using a special broadband modem. The cable version operates through your cable television connection. Whichever method you chose, a broadband internet phone connection is now relatively cheap and easy.

All of this happens in a fraction of a second but many issues can arise to degrade the broadband phone service quality. A slow connection, bad phone, over-utilized bandwidth and a bad service provider can all degrade the quality of the phone call.

Nowadays, instant messaging Internet applications have voice messaging capabilities. Although consumers need a computer to make calls with this method, voice messaging uses the same technology. In fact some providers want to make the experience as traditional as possible--so traditional that phones can be connected to the computer. By using this technology, consumers can simply use their existing broadband connection to make free Internet phone calls.

No more headphones, microphones, messengers, software or even having your computer turned on to make cheap calls over the Internet! With a broadband phone service plan you can just pick up your telephone to make and receive telephone calls the same way you always have. You'll also be able to take advantage of features like caller ID, voice mail, speed dialing, auto call back, plus advanced features your traditional phone company didn't offer, like having voice mail sent to your e-mail or cell phone, or virtual phone numbers, even pick your area code so friends and family don't get a long distance charge for calling you.

So why is broadband phone service so cheap? Would it surprise you to know you're traditional telephone company has been ripping you off for years? OK, so no big surprise there, but I'll give you the low down anyway. Turns out broadband phone, and traditional phone services use the exact same grid for transferring phone calls. The Internet. The difference is your traditional phone company has been charging you to send your calls to that grid, where with broadband phone service your DTA, or broadband phone adapter handles that for you and doesn't charge you a dime. You're truly just paying for the service.

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